we have hosted our annual party since 1986.

Tom Wallace started Wallace Engineering in 1981 and two years later moved to a new office location. To commemorate the occasion, he decided to throw a party. But he needed an invitation to get people to attend. The invitation featured nothing more than a photo of a series of five hard hats hung on a wall, all in a row, with one hard hat hung on a perpendicular wall and the tag line, “We’ve hung our hat in a new location.”

That party – which featured mostly Wallace’s friends, some barbeque and some beer – included only a sparse gathering of actual clients. No one knew at that time that the party would soon turn into an annual event. Today, the party continues and has grown such that hundreds of clients and friends attend. And the invitations have become both well-known to our clients and a labor of love for us.

We hope you enjoy a look back at some of our creativity.

Open House Archive

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