Existing Buildings

Buildings may require renovations or rehabilitation for any number of reasons. Whatever your reason, we can help.

Licensed in all 50 states, Wallace Design Collective has provided structural and civil engineering services for thousands of renovations and expansions throughout the country.

Our firm has evaluated every kind of structure with every kind of loading condition on every type of soil. Our experience includes masonry, concrete, steel, heavy and light timber, and light gage.

Wallace Design Collective provides on-call engineering services in response to emergencies and disasters. We have been involved with inspections of structures damaged by earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, heavy snowfall, foundation problems, landslides, and more. We also provide rapid design of damage repairs, shoring design, remediation design for construction errors, and construction observation services.

We have designed projects throughout all 50 states and Puerto Rico, giving us in-depth knowledge of all model building codes, as well as experience with local codes and jurisdictions.

For more information, please contact Win Rice, PE


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