Rougher Village
Muskogee Public Schools

Wallace Design Collective provided civil engineering services for Rougher Village – a new sports complex for Muskogee High School. The complex includes a new football stadium and a basketball field house featuring a varsity club for special guests, new locker rooms, and weight and training rooms for student-athletes. The new stadium seats 7,500 spectators and replaces a WPA-era structure completed in 1939. Support spaces include parking, paths, walkways and driveways, plazas and green spaces.

Timing presented the greatest challenge for the project. The football stadium plans were first and moved fast, and along with those came the full site’s grading and utilities. The civil engineering team had to plan for all the infrastructure needed for the field house and press box eight months prior to their design completion. Doing so allowed construction to run smoothly and saved the school time and money.

photos: ©Yellow Dog Design Works


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