ORIGIN: Starting the Conversation

And So It Begins…

10.10.10 by Brad Thurman
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Welcome to Origin.

Origin is a new adventure for us and we hope that you’ll enjoy it.  Our goal is to post timely, relevant information that will generate thought and interaction.

We promise not to inundate you with posts or spend a lot of time blowing our own horn.  The blog’s name and tagline were specifically chosen because we want this blog to be a conversation, not just a one-way stand-and-deliver deal.

We encourage you to respond to our posts – to offer your thoughts and ask questions if you have them.  We know there are thousands of sites out there that you can look at and we want to make visiting ours worth your time.  We hope to make both of us better in the process.

We’re glad you dropped by.  Let’s start the conversation!

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Brad Thurman, PE, FSMPS, CPSM


As Chief Marketing Officer, Brad directs marketing and business development for Wallace. He received his Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies and Master of Architectural…

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