ORIGIN: Starting the Conversation


03.07.16 by Sarah Appleton
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A few weeks ago my husband, Joe, and I spent our Valentine’s Day at a half marathon in Birmingham, Alabama. Don’t worry…we were definitely not running this one. Joe’s sister was running her first ever half marathon and we were her cheering squad. We traveled all around downtown Birmingham seeing her at 5 stops along the course and at the finish line. We had a blast doing it and felt like we got to know some of the runners who would pass us at every stop. And of course we had a custom sign that also became famous along the course…

Being the engineer that I am, I of course spent many evenings looking up half marathon signs on the internet. I wanted one that was supportive and would make a runner smile (best way to relax the muscles during a run). Then I spent a late evening on my father-in-law’s floor putting the sign together the night before the race.

I learned throughout the morning, by listening to the thanks and comments of the runners that they appreciated the sign greatly. Many said that they needed that little boost. These are people who have trained for 6-9 months to run and a simple sign gave them the little boost they needed.


It makes you realize how throughout life, no matter what you are doing or how well you are trained to do it, it goes a long way to simply hear how awesome you are.

So the challenge of the week is… If you have not recently told your coworker, boss, employee, family and everyone else in your life just how awesome they are, take a minute and do it now. It will go a long way; and who knows, it may just be the little boost they need to get through a rough day.

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