ORIGIN: Starting the Conversation

All Things Happen For a Reason

03.10.14 by Sarah Appleton
1 Comment

I am a firm believer that all things happen for a reason, even if we will never know what that reason is.  A couple years ago I was heading to a charity function in Chicago with very minimal excitement.  Little did I know it would change my life forever. I was fortune enough to be seated at a table with a great guy from Atlanta. Well, that great guy turned out to be a wonderful man who will soon be my husband!

Enough of the sappy love story. The reason I am telling you this is that in order to be with this wonderful man, I will be moving to Atlanta in a few short weeks.  Because of this, I am using this blog as a way to say my goodbyes, hellos and most important – my thank yous.

Tulsa has been home for me for the past 4-5 years, and I could not have asked for a better home.  The community has been welcoming and friendly every turn of the way.  It will truly be missed.

  • Thank you to my friends. I have been blessed to make great friendships that I know I will take with me through the rest of my life.
  • Thank you to Tulsa Tough. I feel very fortunate that you have allowed me to be part of your event these past few years…what a great event and an even better group of people.
  • Thank you to Susan G. Komen Tulsa. I had a wonderful time helping you put together your Pink Stiletto event this year and know it will continue to be a success.
  • Thank you to Leadership Tulsa. This program and the friends I made through this program far exceeded my expectations.
  • Thank you to the Clients I have worked with. So many of you I consider friends. What a great group of Owners and Architects we have in this town.
  • Thank you to my work family. I have been blessed to call Wallace Engineering my home these past few years and I am ecstatic to know that I will get to continue to call Wallace my home in Atlanta.  The people here are more than just colleagues; it is truly a work family, and one that I am honored to be a part of.

The next portion of my life will be in Atlanta, Georgia and I am very excited to be a part of this new community.  In the short time I have been there, I have learned that the people of Atlanta are as generous and welcoming as the people in Tulsa.

  • Thank you to BRR Architecture. Your Atlanta office has reached out with open arms to help us with this move to Atlanta.
  • Thank you to SMPS Atlanta. I have been blown away at the hospitality of the people in this group and I am very excited to get involved and get to know everyone better.
  • Thank you to Batson-Cook. What a great group of people you have there!
  • Thank you to my new friends. Again, I am blessed to already have some great friends in Atlanta, it sure helps make a girl feel at home.
  • Thank you to my new family. I am honored to be part of the Appleton Family!

With that I would like to say goodbye to those I am leaving in Tulsa (though I will be back to see you again!)  and hello to the wonderful opportunities that lie ahead.  I cannot wait to start this next adventure with Wallace Engineering in Atlanta, Georgia!

One Response

  1. Donna Corlew says:

    Sarah, what a pleasure to meet you at SMPS SERC last week. Much good luck as you transition to a new location, and please let me know if i can help.

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