ORIGIN: Starting the Conversation

Hello Atlanta!

04.23.15 by Sarah Appleton
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About one year ago I wrote a blog post for Wallace Engineering (All Things Happen For a Reason – March 2014… in case you want to go back and read it). That blog allowed me to say goodbye and thank you to my home in Tulsa.

Well, I have been here in Atlanta for a year now. And I must say, WHAT A GREAT NEW HOME! As much as I loved Tulsa, I love Atlanta just as much if not more. Again, it is the people that make the town and I could not have asked for a better city of people. Not only do I get to see the love of my life more than every two weeks… but I get to meet a whole new world of friends, co-workers and clients. This past year has brought more people who have touched my life than I could even begin to thank in this blog.

So all I can say is – To everyone I have met over this past year… please know that you have touched my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the warm welcome and great new friendships!

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